The Blockade Runner

Star Wars Is Forever

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Rebels Screenshot Spotlight – Legends of the Lasat

I’ve been looking forward to a Zeb-focused episode of Rebels ever since it became clear that season two would devote time to exploring each member of the Ghost crew’s history. “Legends of the Lasat” is potentially the best of these character driven episodes as it both further develops Zeb’s background and offers considerable contributions to the lore of Rebels as well as the new Star Wars canon.


The episode’s climatic scene finds Zeb, his rebel friends, and two newly discovered survivors of Zeb’s people on a journey to a prophesied new home world for the Lasan. The shot above features Zeb using his bo-rifle to channel the Force/Ashla to safely guide the Ghost through a nebula as his friends look on in awe. The lighting in the shot is incredible, the energy emitting from the bo-rilfe is stunning, and each of the characters’ faces is wonderfully expressive. Zeb’s placement in the frame defines him as the clear leader here with the other characters supporting and contributing to his destiny.


But as much as the shot stands alone as a powerful piece of visual storytelling, the more I thought about this moment and the way it was presented, the more it reminded me of a similar scene in Wes Anderson’s The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. A climactic scene in that film features the lead character Zissou surrounded by his friends as his journey in the film is completed. As the scene progresses, each of the characters places their hands on Zissou’s shoulders in act of support not dissimilar to Ezra and Kanan’s support of Zeb in “Legends of the Lasat.” While the similarities in framing are not necessarily indicative of the Rebels crew having been inspired by Anderson’s film, they’re at least an interesting coincidence demonstrating that the show’s visual design is thoughtful and cinematic.

I’m throwing in this additional shot of the aforementioned nebula because it’s one of the most stunning environments composed for Rebels so far. “Legends of the Lasat” was a truly beautiful episode and, as always, I’d encourage you to check out the episode guide on for more screenshots and information.


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The Blockade Runner Podcast Episode 6 – Headspace


Show Notes:

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Ryan and John catch up on recent Star War news including the Episode VIII delay, new Lego Star Wars games and shows, the Star Wars Headspace album, a newly announced BB-8 toy, and the unfortunate passing of Jocasta Nu actress Alena McGrath. In the second half of the show Ryan discusses his history with Star Wars.

Clips from GTA’s “Help Me!” and Rick Rubin’s “NR-G7” from the Star Wars Headspace album are featured in this episode.

Intro and outro music for The Blockade Runner is “Hedonism” by Ash.




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Rebels Screenshot Spotlight – The Protector of Concord Dawn


“The Protector of Concord Dawn” featured a number of compelling visual designs and shots including the half-destroyed planet of Concord Dawn and that system’s Mandolorian fighters and pilots. For me however, the above screenshot (sourced from is my favorite single image from the episode. The emphasis on the core themes of Rebels in “The Protectors of Concord Dawn” results in an episode with more emotional depth than I expected from a story focusing on hyperspace lanes, Mandalorian armor, and gunslinger showdowns.

Every aspect of this chosen shot communicates the importance of the familial bonds between its three characters. The vignetting effect of the central light above Sabine and Hera envelopes them (and to a lesser extent Kanan), obscuring the background and placing the viewer’s focus squarely on the characters and their connection to one another. It’s simple and straightforward, but it’s also a crucial and well-executed visual representation of the most important aspect of “The Protector of Concord Dawn.” Season 2 of Rebels has been very much about expanding the show’s lore by visiting new planets, introducing new characters, and providing backstory for existing ones, but my favorite moments thus far are those that center on the meaningful connections that make up the family at the heart of its story. In my mind Rebels is its best when it remains centered on the bonds between the members of the Ghost crew, so this episode worked most for me in these final moments when its storytelling circled back to the family at the show’s core.

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Rebels Screenshot Spotlight – A Princess on Lothal

Like so many episodes of Rebels, “A Princess on Lothal” features a number of cool callbacks to previous Star Wars designs. Much has already been made of Leia’s outfit and the fact that it references both the original and prequel trilogies thanks to its origins in a New Hope-era Ralph McQuarrie design and its inclusion of a symbol seen on Bail Organa’s clothing in Revenge of the Sith. But as much as Leia’s look for this episode is evidence of the brilliant design work on Rebels, it’s Kanan’s gravity-defying AT-AT assault sequence that I want to focus on here.


I’ve recently heard some complaints that Rebels is taking too many liberties in portraying its heroes as unrealistically powerful or lucky in increasingly dangerous scenarios. While I can certainly understand that perspective to a degree, I’m also happy to see a stylized and even slightly exaggerated approach to depicting the Star Wars universe in animation. Kanan’s attack on the AT-AT is so much fun to watch as he runs toward the massive walker while Ezra, Leia, Ryder, and finally the AT-AT pilots themselves all look on in awe at his ability to single-handedly take the transport down. The shot featured above is part of the first half of the sequence and it communicates most of what we need to know; the walker is a huge, hulking machine, but the momentum and confidence reside in the clearly outsized figure charging it at full-speed with his lightsaber extended.

These kind of set piece moments don’t happen constantly in the show; Kanan and Ezra routinely go multiple episodes without making much use of impressive Jedi abilities. But when the Rebels team does decide to go for a bigger moment like this one it almost always works for me where it couldn’t in film or other mediums. Rebels is smart and layered and even heavy at times, but it’s also a playground in which its creators can have fun with environments and scenarios that wouldn’t necessarily be possible outside of animation. The shot featured above is cinematic, but it also feels in some ways like wish fulfillment for a now-grown group of kids who spent the best years of their youths imagining Jedi disguised in stormtrooper gear slicing through the legs of towering walkers (or probably playing out those very scenarios with their Kenner action figures). It doesn’t make sense to see this kind of thing play out all of the time, or in every medium, but fantastic displays of Jedi power seem best explored in animation and I trust Dave Filoni and the Rebels team to do so tastefully and sparingly.